

Library and information center – Library management, provide teaching/learning resources; plan/support/purchase/maintain information technology hardware, software, and internet.
Director of Library and Information Center: Jill Pan
IT: Lucy Li
The Library General Description
Christ’s College Taipei is a Christian Liberal Arts College. The library was established in 1965, originally located on the third floor of the Administration Building. In 1987, the library moved to the ground floor of the James R. Graham Building. Throughout the years, the library has become an important resource and service center for the students and teachers on campus. The purpose of the library is to provide books and information needed for teaching and research. Therefore, the library takes care of readers’ needs, provides high-quality collections of books and information, and cooperates with the school to supply suitable resources to match the curriculum.
Introduction to the Library Collections
The collection of books and information in the library supports the development of the school and curriculum, various teaching units, and research. Therefore, any English or Chinese books that are related to English Literature, Christianity, Social Sciences and other majors (English, Mass Communication, Music) are the main collection scope. Other books that belong to relevant subject areas are the secondary collection scope. Since the school is a Christian Liberal Arts College that emphasizes Holistic Education and Christianity, related books and materials are the main collection scope of the library. The data collected is divided into books, periodicals, audiovisual materials, e-books, electronic periodicals, and electronic resources, and various types of data that are systematically organized by the US Congress Classification.
Features of the Library Collections
Feature 1: The school has a rich collection of Christian books.
Feature 2: In the early days, the English Major was the focus of the school. Therefore, English books have become the main collection in the library.
Feature 3: The English children’s books, teaching materials and textbooks are displayed in a special area in the library to support the Children’s Literature and TESOL courses offered by the English Major.
Feature 4: The school is a Christian Liberal Arts College. Therefore, the mission area has been set up to collect data related to missionaries and relevant historical materials.
The Christ’s College Taipei Library Participated in the Following Alliances:
- Interlibrary Cooperation Association (ILCA): Members of this association are entitled to the rights and obligations of copying, borrowing, and checking out from libraries nationwide. The Association is also obliged to update the collections of this library from the national periodicals catalog.
- Library Association of the Republic of China (LAROC): Provides national library conferences and seminars, studies the laws and standards of the related books and information, manages the librarians and develops the library.
- Taiwan Theological Library Association (TTLA):To improve the communication and the relationships with Taiwan and foreign theological seminaries.
- Book Loan Service for Colleges and Universities in Tamsui
- Consortium on Core Electronic Resources in Taiwan (CONCERT): The Information Center of National Science Council has CONCERT organized to help domestic academic research institutes acquire modern databases from overseas, share digital library resources, and acquire better products, resources, and prices.
- Taiwan OCLC Governing Members Consortium: Uploading the bibliography of English books to OCLC database; therefore, Christ’s College Taipei has increased visibility in other academic institutions.
- Taiwan Academic E-Books & Database Consortium. (TAEBDC): The joint procurement of the Chinese and English academic e-books has rapidly increased the quality and amount of resources in the library.
B1 of James R. Graham Memorial Hall
380 m2

Map |


Table :
A General Works
B Philosophy, Psychology and Religion
B Philosophy (General)
BC Logic
BD Speculative philosophy
BF Psychology
BH Aestetics
BJ Ethics
BL Religions, Mythology, Rationalism
BM Judaism
BP Islam, Bahaism, Theosophy, etc.
BR Christianity
BS Bible
BT Doctrinal Theology
BV Practical Theology
BX Denominations and Sects
C Auxiliary Sciences of History
D History: General and Old World
E-F History: America
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
H Social Sciences
H Social Sciences (General)
HA Statistics
HB Economic theory. Demography
HD Economic history and conditions
HE Transportation and communications
HF Commerce)
HG Finance
HJ Public finance
HM Sociology (general)
HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
HQ The family. Marriage. Women
HS Societies : secret, benevolent, etc.
HT Communities. Classes. Races
HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology
HX Socialism. Communism. Anarchism
J Political Sciences
K Law
L Education
M Music
M Music
ML Literature on music
MT Musical instruction and study
N Fine Arts
P Language and Literature
P Philology. Linguistics
PA Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature
PB-PH Modern European languages
PJ-PL Oriental languages and literatures
PM Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages
PN Literary history and collection (General)
PQ Romance literatures
PR English literature
PS American literature
PT Germanic literatures
PZ Juvenile belles letters
Q Science
Q Science (General)
QA Mathematics
QB Astronomy
QC Physics
QD Chemistry
QE Geology
QH Natural history - Biology
QK Botany
QL Zoology
QM Human anatomy
QP Physiology
QR Microbiology
R Medicine
S Argiculture
T Technology)
U Military Science
V Naval Science
Z Library Science

