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18 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H22 區域研究及地理 | 9780822372035 | Diaspora's Homeland: Modern China in the Age of Global Migration | Chan, Shelly | Duke University Press | 2018 | http://www.degruyter.com/isbn/9780822372035 |
19 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H04 語言學 | 9780231550260 | The Japanese Discovery of Chinese Fiction: The Water Margin and the Making of a National Canon | Hedberg, William C. | Columbia University Press | 2020 | http://www.degruyter.com/isbn/9780231550260 |
20 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H14 政治學 | 9781400890118 | Small Wars, Big Data: The Information Revolution in Modern Conflict | Berman, Eli ; Felter, Joseph H. ; Shapiro, Jacob N. | Princeton University Press | 2018 | http://www.degruyter.com/isbn/9781400890118 |
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22 | Science & Technology | E09 土木、水利、工程 | 9783035623635 | Adrian Frutiger-Typefaces: The Complete Works | Osterer, Heidrun; Stamm, Philipp; the Swiss Foundation Type and Typography | Birkhauser | 2021 | http://www.degruyter.com/isbn/9783035623635 |
23 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781547400720 | Power BI Data Analysis and Visualization | Machiraju, Suren ; Gaurav, Suraj | De|G Press | 2018 | http://www.degruyter.com/isbn/9781547400720 |
24 | Science & Technology | E09 土木、水利、工程 | 9783035623369 | 250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know | Ivers, B. Cannon | Birkhauser | 2021 | http://www.degruyter.com/isbn/9783035623369 |