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InfoSci (IGI-Global) ebooks: 240筆/ 240冊 |
序號 | 主題 | 次主題 | 電子書13碼ISBN | 題名 | 作者 | 出版者 | 出版年 | 連結 |
1 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781522503484 | Increasing Productivity and Efficiency in Online Teaching | Dickenson, Patricia | Information Science Reference | 2016 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-0347-7 |
2 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | 9781522500957 | Economic Modeling, Analysis, and Policy for Sustainability | Goswami, Anandajit | Business Science Reference | 2016 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-0094-0 |
3 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781466695788 | Handbook of Research on Learning Outcomes and Opportunities in the Digital Age | Wang, Victor C.X. | Information Science Reference | 2016 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-4666-9577-1 |
4 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | 9781522520825 | Measuring Sustainable Development and Green Investments in Contemporary Economies | Mieila, Mihai | Business Science Reference | 2017 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-2081-8 |
5 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781522506737 | Handbook of Research on Administration, Policy, and Leadership in Higher Education | Mukerji, Siran | Information Science Reference | 2017 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-0672-0 |
6 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781522552741 | Contemporary Approaches and Strategies for Applied Logistics | Wood, Lincoln C. | Business Science Reference | 2018 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-5273-4 |
7 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781522535010 | Grassroots Sustainability Innovations in Sports Management: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Tortora, Marco | Business Science Reference | 2018 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-3500-3 |
8 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781522526575 | Driving Traffic and Customer Activity Through Affiliate Marketing | Singh, Surabhi | Business Science Reference | 2018 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-2656-8 |
9 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781522573456 | Leveraging Computer-Mediated Marketing Environments | Bowen, Gordon | Business Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-7344-9 |
10 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | 9781522581109 | The Circular Economy and Its Implications on Sustainability and the Green Supply Chain | Akkucuk, Ulas | Business Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-8109-3 |
11 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | 9781522571810 | Handbook of Research on Managerial Thinking in Global Business Economics | Dincer, Hasan | Business Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-7180-3 |
12 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781522561347 | Human Rights, Public Values, and Leadership in Healthcare Policy | Eneanya, Augustine Nduka | Medical Information Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-6133-0 |
13 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781522570110 | Advanced Online Education and Training Technologies | Habib, Maki | Information Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-7010-3 |
14 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781522575658 | Global Challenges in Public Finance and International Relations | Duran, Deniz Sahin | Business Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-7564-1 |
15 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781522578604 | Strategic Marketing for Social Enterprises in Developing Nations | Chiweshe, Nigel | Business Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-7859-8 |
16 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H40 財金及會計 | 9781522581048 | Metaheuristic Approaches to Portfolio Optimization | Ray, Jhuma | Business Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-8103-1 |
17 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781522599630 | Global Perspectives on Fostering Problem-Based Learning in Chinese Universities | Zhu, Zhiliang | Information Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9961-6 |
18 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781522584773 | Handbook of Research on Faculty Development for Digital Teaching and Learning | Elci, Alev | Information Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-8476-6 |
19 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | 9781522585497 | Handbook of Research on Economic and Political Implications of Green Trading and Energy Use | Das, Ramesh Chandra | Business Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-8547-3 |
20 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H40 財金及會計 | 9781522592716 | Emerging Research on Monetary Policy, Banking, and Financial Markets | Spulbar, Cristi | Business Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9269-3 |
21 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H19 傳播學 | 9781522585374 | Handbook of Research on Deception, Fake News, and Misinformation Online | Chiluwa, Innocent E. | Information Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-8535-0 |
22 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H19 傳播學 | 9781522593140 | Popular Representations of America in Non-American Media | Endong, Floribert Patrick C. | Information Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9312-6 |
23 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H04 語言學 | 9781522584681 | Applied Linguistics for Teachers of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners | Erdogan, Nabat | Information Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-8467-4 |
24 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799832324 | Legal, Safety, and Environmental Challenges for Event Management: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Nadda, Vipin | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3230-0 |
25 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H40 財金及會計 | 9781522595687 | International Trade Policies in the Era of Globalization | Ozer, Ahu Co?kun | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9566-3 |
26 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799800569 | Cases on Learning Design and Human Performance Technology | Stefaniak, Jill | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-0054-5 |
27 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H19 傳播學 | 9781522595564 | Forensic Investigations and Risk Management in Mobile and Wireless Communications | Sharma, Kavita | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9554-0 |
28 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | 9781799801122 | Migration and Urbanization: Local Solutions for Global Economic Challenges | Ushakov, Denis | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-0111-5 |
29 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | 9781522599302 | Sharing Economy and the Impact of Collaborative Consumption | Luna, Iviane Ramos de | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9928-9 |
30 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781799800378 | Tools and Techniques for Implementing International E-Trading Tactics for Competitive Advantage | Meral, Yurdagul | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-0035-4 |
31 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781799814139 | Handbook of Research on Retailing Techniques for Optimal Consumer Engagement and Experiences | Musso, Fabio | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1412-2 |
32 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | 9781799803355 | Comparative Approaches to Old and New Institutional Economics | Akansel, Ilkben | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-0333-1 |
33 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H19 傳播學 | 9781799802129 | Handbook of Research on the Global Impact of Media on Migration Issues | Okorie, Nelson | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-0210-5 |
34 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H40 財金及會計 | 9781799810353 | Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts Between Sustainable Financial Systems and Financial Markets | Ziolo, Magdalena | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1033-9 |
35 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | 9781799810957 | Applied Econometric Analysis: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Sloboda, Brian W. | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1093-3 |
36 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | HA3 圖書資訊學 | 9781799822028 | Handbook of Research on Digital Content Management and Development in Modern Libraries | Thanuskodi, S. | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2201-1 |
37 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781799801337 | Handbook of Research on Innovations in Technology and Marketing for the Connected Consumer | Dadwal, Sumesh Singh | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-0131-3 |
38 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | HA3 圖書資訊學 | 9781522598275 | Handbook of Research on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Library and Information Science | Kaushik, Anna | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9825-1 |
39 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | 9781799811060 | Avatar-Based Models, Tools, and Innovation in the Digital Economy | Mkrttchian, Vardan | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1104-6 |
40 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H19 傳播學 | 9781799816539 | Graphical Thinking for Science and Technology Through Knowledge Visualization | Ursyn, Anna | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1651-5 |
41 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | 9781522598398 | Handbook of Research on Agricultural Policy, Rural Development, and Entrepreneurship in Contemporary Economies | Vasile, Andrei Jean | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9837-4 |
42 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H19 傳播學 | 9781799811541 | Fundamental and Supportive Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks | ElKader, Sherine Mohamed Abd | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1152-7 |
43 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H40 財金及會計 | 9781799802204 | Handbook of Research on Theory and Practice of Global Islamic Finance | Rafay, Abdul | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-0218-1 |
44 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H40 財金及會計 | 9781799812470 | Challenges and Impacts of Religious Endowments on Global Economics and Finance | Saiti, Buerhan | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1245-6 |
45 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H40 財金及會計 | 9781799822592 | Economics, Business, and Islamic Finance in ASEAN Economics Community | Pablos, Patricia Ordonez de | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2257-8 |
46 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799829034 | Inclusive Theory and Practice in Special Education | Rensburg, Henriette van | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2901-0 |
47 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799824527 | Hospital Management and Emergency Medicine: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice | Information Resources Management Association | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2451-0 |
48 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H23 藝術學 | 9781799828259 | Cultural, Theoretical, and Innovative Approaches to Contemporary Interior Design | Crespi, Luciano | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2823-5 |
49 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781799822226 | Emotional, Sensory, and Social Dimensions of Consumer Buying Behavior | Soares, Ana Maria | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2220-2 |
50 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799821304 | Conceptual and Theoretical Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Financial Performance | Paiva, Inna Sousa | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2128-1 |
51 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781799824701 | Destination Management and Marketing: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice | Information Resources Management Association | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2469-5 |
52 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | HA3 圖書資訊學 | 9781799822752 | Internationalization of Library and Information Science Education in the Asia-Pacific Region | Alenzuela, Reysa | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2273-8 |
53 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781799831204 | Handbook of Research on Transmedia Storytelling, Audience Engagement, and Business Strategies | Hernandez-Santaolalla, Victor | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3119-8 |
54 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799833499 | Future of Work, Work-Family Satisfaction, and Employee Well-Being in the Fourth Industrial Revolution | Abe, Ethel Ndidiamaka | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3347-5 |
55 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H14 政治學 | 9781799819189 | Utilizing Decision Support Systems for Strategic Public Policy Planning | Timoulali, Mohamed | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1916-5 |
56 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799820819 | Gamification Strategies for Retention, Motivation, and Engagement in Higher Education: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Costello, Robert | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2079-6 |
57 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | 9781799834182 | Developing Creative Economy through Disruptive Leadership: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Tardif, Kristin Joyce | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3416-8 |
58 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H23 藝術學 | 9781799836711 | Multidisciplinary Perspectives on New Media Art | Soares, Celia | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3669-8 |
59 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H23 藝術學 | 9781799838364 | Contemporary Art Impacts on Scientific, Social, and Cultural Paradigms: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Strehovec, Janez | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3835-7 |
60 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H23 藝術學 | 9781799842323 | Well-Being Design and Frameworks for Interior Space | Minucciani, Valeria | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4231-6 |
61 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799851738 | Digital Innovations for Customer Engagement, Management, and Organizational Improvement | Sandhu, Kamaljeet | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5171-4 |
62 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799852698 | Handbook of Research on Diversity and Social Justice in Higher Education | Keengwe, Jared | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5268-1 |
63 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781522582670 | Corporate Leadership and Its Role in Shaping Organizational Culture and Performance | Bejaoui, Azza | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-8266-3 |
64 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H19 傳播學 | 9781799833574 | Innovative Perspectives on Interactive Communication Systems and Technologies | Sarfraz, Muhammad | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3355-0 |
65 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781799836759 | Cases on Performance Improvement Innovation | Van Tiem, Darlene M. | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3673-5 |
66 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799837466 | Cultural Factors and Performance in 21st Century Businesses | Christiansen, Bryan | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3744-2 |
67 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781799837589 | Handbook of Research on User Experience in Web 2.0 Technologies and Its Impact on Universities and Businesses | Pelet, Jean-Eric | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3756-5 |
68 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799838722 | Examining an Operational Approach to Teaching Probability | Drivet, Alessio | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3871-5 |
69 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799839385 | Facilitating Adult and Organizational Learning Through Andragogy: A History, Philosophy, and Major Themes | Henschke, John Arthur | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3937-8 |
70 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799840978 | 4CID Model and Cognitive Approaches to Instructional Design and Technology: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Miranda, Guilhermina Maria Lobato de | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4096-1 |
71 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799841005 | Handbook of Research on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and ICTs | Carvalho, Luisa Cagica | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4099-2 |
72 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799841098 | Developing an Intercultural Responsive Leadership Style for Faculty and Administrators | Spicer-Runnels, Ashley D. | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4108-1 |
73 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H17 社會學 | 9781799841630 | Cyber Security Auditing, Assurance, and Awareness Through CSAM and CATRAM: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Sabillon, Regner | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4162-3 |
74 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799841814 | Transforming Human Resource Functions with Automation | Pathak, Anchal | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4180-7 |
75 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781799842415 | Natural Language Processing for Global and Local Business | Pinarba?i, Fatih | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4240-8 |
76 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799842538 | Qualitative Exploration of Grounded Theory in Organizational Research | Ebrahimi, Maryam | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4252-1 |
77 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799843610 | Handbook of Research on Innovations in Non-Traditional Educational Practices | Keengwe, Jared | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4360-3 |
78 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H40 財金及會計 | 9781799843917 | Fostering Innovation and Competitiveness with FinTech, RegTech, and SupTech | Boitan, Iustina Alina | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4390-0 |
79 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781799846024 | Handbook of Research on Sustainable Supply Chain Management for the Global Economy | Akkucuk, Ulas | Business Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4601-7 |
80 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H05 文學二(外國文學、性別研究、文化研究) | 9781799846659 | Immigrant Women's Voices and Integrating Feminism into Migration Theory | Nyemba, Florence | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4664-2 |
81 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799846710 | Using Literature to Teach English as a Second Language | Membrive, Veronica | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4670-3 |
82 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799847229 | Disciplinary Literacy Connections to Popular Culture in K-12 Settings | Haas, Leslie | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4721-2 |
83 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799847465 | Implementation Strategies for Improving Diversity in Organizations | Hughes, Claretha | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4745-8 |
84 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H19 傳播學 | 9781799847793 | International Perspectives on Rethinking Evil in Film and Television | Tuysuz, Dilan | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4778-6 |
85 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H40 財金及會計 | 9781799848066 | Machine Learning Applications for Accounting Disclosure and Fraud Detection | Papadakis, Stylianos | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4805-9 |
86 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799848271 | Handbook of Research on Nascent Entrepreneurship and Creating New Ventures | Moreira, Antonio Carrizo | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4826-4 |
87 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799848479 | Fostering Communication and Learning with Underutilized Technologies in Higher Education | Ali, Mohammed Banu? | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4846-2 |
88 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799849070 | Multifaceted Strategies for Social-Emotional Learning and Whole Learner Education | McCray, Carissa | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4906-3 |
89 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799849131 | Handbook of Research on Cyberbullying and Online Harassment in the Workplace | Salazar, Leslie Ramos | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4912-4 |
90 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781799849551 | Impact of ICTs on Event Management and Marketing | Birdir, Kemal | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4954-4 |
91 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799849612 | Current and Prospective Applications of Virtual Reality in Higher Education | Choi, Dong Hwa? | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4960-5 |
92 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H14 政治學 | 9781799849766 | Processual Perspectives on the CoProduction Turn in Public Sector Organizations | Thomassen, Anja Overgaard | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4975-9 |
93 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799850373 | Handbook of Research on Quality Management for Competitive Advantage in Global Markets | Saiz-Alvarez, Jose Manuel | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5036-6 |
94 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799850410 | Impacts and Challenges of Cloud Business Intelligence | Aljawarneh, Shadi | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5040-3 |
95 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799850441 | Designing, Deploying, and Evaluating Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education | Akcayir, Gokce | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5043-4 |
96 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799850755 | Early Warning Systems and Targeted Interventions for Student Success in Online Courses | Glick, Danny | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5074-8 |
97 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799850908 | Professional and Ethical Consideration for Early Childhood Leaders | Cunningham, Denise D. | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5089-2 |
98 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799857716 | Connecting Disciplinary Literacy and Digital Storytelling in K-12 Education | Haas, Leslie | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5770-9 |
99 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H19 傳播學 | 9781799866077 | Handbook of Research on Contemporary Storytelling Methods Across New Media and Disciplines | Mih?e?, Lorena Clara | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-6605-3 |
100 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799858065 | Affordances and Constraints of Mobile Phone Use in English Language Arts Classrooms | Moran, Clarice M. | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5805-8 |
101 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799866718 | Transforming Corporate Governance and Developing Models for Board Effectiveness | Yasser, Qaiser Rafique | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-6669-5 |
102 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799865100 | Futuristic and Linguistic Perspectives on Teaching Writing to Second Language Students | Hanc?-Azizoglu, Eda Ba?ak | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-6508-7 |
103 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H40 財金及會計 | 9781799871125 | Influence of FinTech on Management Transformation | Sghari, Amira | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-7110-1 |
104 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H05 文學二(外國文學、性別研究、文化研究) | 9781799864608 | Handbook of Research on Translating Myth and Reality in Women Imagery Across Disciplines | Ciol?neanu, Roxana | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-6458-5 |
105 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799866831 | Global Perspectives on Home Education in the 21st Century | English, Rebecca | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-6681-7 |
106 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799870555 | Education and Technology Support for Children and Young Adults With ASD and Learning Disabilities | Kats, Yefim | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-7053-1 |
107 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799857655 | Rural Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Digital Era | Lokuge, Sachithra | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4942-1 |
108 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | 9781799858249 | Cross-Border E-Commerce Marketing and Management | Hoque, Md. Rakibul | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5823-2 |
109 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799835295 | Introducing Problem-Based Learning (PBL) for Creativity and Innovation in Chinese Universities: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Zhou, Chunfang | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3527-1 |
110 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | 9781799854449 | Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Operations Management and Service Evaluation | Manolitzas, Panagiotis | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5442-5 |
111 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799855590 | Redesigning Teaching, Leadership, and Indigenous Education in the 21st Century | Roberts, Leesha Nicole | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5557-6 |
112 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799856009 | Advancing Online Course Design and Pedagogy for the 21st Century Learning Environment | Chatham, Daniel | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5598-9 |
113 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799812517 | Ethical Research Approaches to Indigenous Knowledge Education | Mthembu, Ntokozo | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1249-4 |
114 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799857204 | Computer-Based Mathematics Education and the Use of MatCos Software in Primary and Secondary Schools | Costabile, Francesco Aldo | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5718-1 |
115 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H11 教育學 | 9781799855163 | Advancing Innovation and Sustainable Outcomes in International Graduate Education | Gurubatham, Mohan Raj | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5514-9 |
116 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H19 傳播學 | 9781799857549 | Describing Nature Through Visual Data | Ursyn, Anna | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5753-2 |
117 | Medicine | B1020D9 牙醫學 | 9781522562443 | Computational Techniques for Dental Image Analysis | Kamalanand, K. | Medical Information Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-6243-6 |
118 | Medicine | B101010 醫學工程 | 9781522582458 | Computational Methods and Algorithms for Medicine and Optimized Clinical Practice | Chui, Kwok Tai | Medical Information Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-8244-1 |
119 | Medicine | B3010E0 食品及農化 | 9781522590064 | IoT and WSN Applications for Modern Agricultural Advancements | Mukherjee, Proshikshya | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9004-0 |
120 | Medicine | B101010 醫學工程 | 9781799802624 | Smart Medical Data Sensing and IoT Systems Design in Healthcare | Chakraborty, Chinmay | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-0261-7 |
121 | Medicine | B1020A9 神經內科 | 9781799816812 | Alternative Pain Management: Solutions for Avoiding Prescription Drug Overuse | Information Resources Management Association | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1680-5 |
122 | Medicine | B101010 醫學工程 | 9781799812050 | Data Analytics in Medicine: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications | Information Resources Management Association | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1204-3 |
123 | Medicine | SSS05 醫學教育 | 9781799814696 | Handbook of Research on the Efficacy of Training Programs and Systems in Medical Education | Gotian, Ruth | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1468-9 |
124 | Medicine | B3010E0 食品及農化 | 9781799817246 | Artificial Intelligence and IoT-Based Technologies for Sustainable Farming and Smart Agriculture | Tomar, Pradeep | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1722-2 |
125 | Medicine | SSS05 醫學教育 | 9781799820895 | Communicating Rare Diseases and Disorders in the Digital Age | Costa, Liliana Vale | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2088-8 |
126 | Medicine | B101010 醫學工程 | 9781799821021 | Applications of Deep Learning and Big IoT on Personalized Healthcare Services | Wason, Ritika | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2101-4 |
127 | Medicine | B101010 醫學工程 | 9781799825227 | Mobile Devices and Smart Gadgets in Medical Sciences | Umair, Sajid | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2521-0 |
128 | Medicine | B101010 醫學工程 | 9781799821229 | Handbook of Research on Advancements of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Engineering | Sisodia, Dilip Singh | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2120-5 |
129 | Medicine | SSS05 醫學教育 | 9781799830672 | Building a Patient-Centered Interprofessional Education Program | Waldman, Steven D. | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3066-5 |
130 | Medicine | B101010 醫學工程 | 9781799825821 | Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing Applications in Healthcare Management Science | Gul, Muhammet | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2581-4 |
131 | Medicine | B1030B0 中醫藥 | 9781799813217 | Ethnomedicinal Plant Use and Practice in Traditional Medicine | Akash | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1320-0 |
132 | Medicine | B101009 公共衛生及環境醫學 | 9781799821403 | Biopsychosocial Perspectives and Practices for Addressing Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases | Taukeni, Simon George | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2139-7 |
133 | Medicine | B101010 醫學工程 | 9781799827436 | Handbook of Research on Disease Prediction Through Data Analytics and Machine Learning | Rani, Geeta | Medical Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2742-9 |
134 | Medicine | B1020D8 復健科 | 9781799832553 | Handbook of Research on Evidence-Based Perspectives on the Psychophysiology of Yoga and Its Applications | Telles, Shirley | Medical Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3254-6 |
135 | Medicine | B101008 保健營養 | 9781799835967 | Role of Nutrition in Providing Pro-/Anti-Inflammatory Balance: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Gun?en, U?ur | Medical Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3594-3 |
136 | Medicine | B1020D8 復健科 | 9781799834335 | Research Anthology on Rehabilitation Practices and Therapy | Information Resources Management Association | Medical Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3432-8 |
137 | Medicine | B3010E0 食品及農化 | 9781799850014 | Precision Agriculture Technologies for Food Security and Sustainability | Abd El-Kader, Sherine M. | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5000-7 |
138 | Medicine | B3010E0 食品及農化 | 9781799843139 | Molecular Plant Breeding and Genome Editing Tools for Crop Improvement | Deka, Pradip Chandra | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4312-2 |
139 | Medicine | B1030B0 中醫藥 | 9781799848097 | Treating Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders with Herbal Medicines | Hussain, Arif | Medical Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4808-0 |
140 | Medicine | B101010 醫學工程 | 9781799865285 | Diagnostic Applications of Health Intelligence and Surveillance Systems | Yadav, Divakar | Medical Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-6527-8 |
141 | Medicine | B1020A8 血液科腫瘤科風濕免疫及感染 | 9781799865315 | Handbook of Research on Advancements in Cancer Therapeutics | Kumar, Sumit | Medical Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-6530-8 |
142 | Medicine | B1020B2 精神科 | 9781799854968 | New Developments in Diagnosing, Assessing, and Treating ADHD | Gopalan, Rejani Thudalikunnil | Medical Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5495-1 |
143 | Medicine | B1020D4 耳鼻喉科 | 9781799856047 | Diagnostic Techniques and Therapeutic Strategies for Parotid Gland Disorders | Sakr, Mahmoud | Medical Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5603-0 |
144 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781466694279 | Improving Information Security Practices through Computational Intelligence | Awad, Wasan Shaker | Information Science Reference | 2016 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-4666-9426-2 |
145 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781522506140 | Web Usage Mining Techniques and Applications Across Industries | Kumar, A.V. Senthil | Information Science Reference | 2017 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-0613-3 |
146 | Science & Technology | E11 環境工程 | 9781522541639 | Biostimulation Remediation Technologies for Groundwater Contaminants | Rathoure, Ashok K. | Engineering Science Reference | 2018 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-4162-2 |
147 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781522553151 | Optimizing Contemporary Application and Processes in Open Source Software | Khosrow-Pour, Mehdi | Engineering Science Reference | 2018 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-5314-4 |
148 | Science & Technology | E11 環境工程 | 9781522531272 | Microbial Biotechnology in Environmental Monitoring and Cleanup | Pankaj | Engineering Science Reference | 2018 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-3126-5 |
149 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781522575023 | Web Services: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications | Information Resources Management Association | Engineering Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-7501-6 |
150 | Science & Technology | E01 機械固力 | 9781522582366 | Design, Development, and Optimization of Bio-Mechatronic Engineering Products | Kumar, Kaushik | Engineering Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-8235-9 |
151 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781522571902 | Secure Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Cities | Shaikh, Riaz Ahmed | Information Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-7189-6 |
152 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781522585657 | Online Survey Design and Data Analytics: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Hai-Jew, Shalin | Engineering Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-8563-3 |
153 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781522590712 | Handbook of Research on Human-Computer Interfaces and New Modes of Interactivity | Blashki, Katherine | Engineering Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9069-9 |
154 | Science & Technology | E11 環境工程 | 9781522594420 | Advanced Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Hussain, Athar | Engineering Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9441-3 |
155 | Science & Technology | E15 光電工程 | 9781522585336 | Contemporary Developments in High-Frequency Photonic Devices | Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha | Engineering Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-8531-2 |
156 | Science & Technology | E09 土木、水利、工程 | 9781522592402 | Handbook of Research on Digital Research Methods and Architectural Tools in Urban Planning and Design | Abusaada, Hisham | Engineering Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9238-9 |
157 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781522592488 | The IoT and the Next Revolutions Automating the World | Goyal, Dinesh | Engineering Science Reference | 2019 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9246-4 |
158 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799827382 | Applications of Advanced Machine Intelligence in Computer Vision and Object Recognition: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Chakraborty, Shouvik | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2736-8 |
159 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781522596134 | Handbook of Research on Machine and Deep Learning Applications for Cyber Security | Ganapathi, Padmavathi | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9611-0 |
160 | Science & Technology | E18 電力工程 | 9781522585534 | Novel Advancements in Electrical Power Planning and Performance | Shandilya, Smita | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-8551-0 |
161 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781522599043 | Handbook of Research on Applications and Implementations of Machine Learning Techniques | Velayutham, Sathiyamoorthi | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9902-9 |
162 | Science & Technology | M02 數學 | 9781522593829 | Handbook of Research on Advanced Applications of Graph Theory in Modern Society | Pal, Madhumangal | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9380-5 |
163 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781522598671 | Securing the Internet of Things: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications | Information Resources Management Association | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9866-4 |
164 | Science & Technology | M20 永續發展研究 | 9781799813767 | Implementation and Evaluation of Green Materials in Technology Development: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Mastura, M.T. | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1374-3 |
165 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799804154 | Deep Learning and Neural Networks: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications | Information Resources Management Association | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-0414-7 |
166 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781522599265 | Control and Signal Processing Applications for Mobile and Aerial Robotic Systems | Sergiyenko, Oleg | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9924-1 |
167 | Science & Technology | E11 環境工程 | 9781799803713 | Handbook of Research on Resource Management for Pollution and Waste Treatment | Affam, Augustine Chioma | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-0369-0 |
168 | Science & Technology | M20 永續發展研究 | 9781799818885 | Developing and Designing Circular Cities: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Ry?ska, El?bieta | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1886-1 |
169 | Science & Technology | M20 永續發展研究 | 9781799809494 | Sustainable Infrastructure: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice | Information Resources Management Association | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-0948-7 |
170 | Science & Technology | M20 永續發展研究 | 9781799816164 | Implications of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in Urban and Rural Environments: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Amaral, Antonio Manuel | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1614-0 |
171 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799811619 | Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing | S., Sumathi | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1159-6 |
172 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799812920 | Handbook of Research on Intelligent Data Processing and Information Security Systems | Bilan, Stepan Mykolayovych | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1290-6 |
173 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781522596455 | Handbook of Research on Emerging Trends and Applications of Machine Learning | Solanki, Arun | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9643-1 |
174 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799818656 | Tools and Techniques for Software Development in Large Organizations: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Pendyala, Vishnu | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1863-2 |
175 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799812555 | IoT Architectures, Models, and Platforms for Smart City Applications | Chowdhry, Bhawani Shankar | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1253-1 |
176 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799817208 | Soft Computing Methods for System Dependability | Mellal, Mohamed Arezki | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1718-5 |
177 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799818410 | Pattern Recognition Applications in Engineering | Burgos, Diego Alexander Tibaduiza | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1839-7 |
178 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799829775 | Novel Approaches to Information Systems Design | Prakash, Naveen | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2975-1 |
179 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799830405 | Innovations, Algorithms, and Applications in Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence | Chui, Kwok Tai | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3038-2 |
180 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799824466 | Applied Approach to Privacy and Security for the Internet of Things | Chatterjee, Parag | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2444-2 |
181 | Science & Technology | M20 永續發展研究 | 9781799825159 | Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Strategies for Sustainable Development | Castanho, Rui Alexandre | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2513-5 |
182 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799821106 | Deep Learning Applications and Intelligent Decision Making in Engineering | Senthilnathan, Karthikrajan | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2108-3 |
183 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799825685 | Challenges and Applications of Data Analytics in Social Perspectives | Sathiyamoorthi, V. | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2566-1 |
184 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781522598084 | FPGA Algorithms and Applications for the Internet of Things | Sharma, Preeti | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9806-0 |
185 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799828051 | Industrial Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems: Transforming the Conventional to Digital | Kumar, Pardeep | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2803-7 |
186 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799830542 | Handbook of Research on Engineering, Business, and Healthcare Applications of Data Science and Analytics | Patil, Bhushan | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3053-5 |
187 | Science & Technology | E11 環境工程 | 9781799826477 | Membrane Technology for Water and Wastewater Treatment in Rural Regions | Sarbatly, Rosalam | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2645-3 |
188 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799836261 | Machine Learning Applications in Non-Conventional Machining Processes | Bose, Goutam Kumar | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3624-7 |
189 | Science & Technology | E12 電信工程 | 9781799836421 | Energy-Efficient Underwater Wireless Communications and Networking | Goyal, Nitin | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3640-7 |
190 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799836636 | Advancements in Model-Driven Architecture in Software Engineering | Rhazali, Yassine | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3661-2 |
191 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799831136 | Challenges and Opportunities for the Convergence of IoT, Big Data, and Cloud Computing | Sathiyamoorthi, Velayutham | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3111-2 |
192 | Science & Technology | E12 電信工程 | 9781522594956 | Managing Resources for Futuristic Wireless Networks | Rath, Mamata | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-9493-2 |
193 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799826705 | Applications and Developments in Semantic Process Mining | Okoye, Kingsley | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2668-2 |
194 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799832409 | Artificial Neural Network Applications in Business and Engineering | Do, Quang Hung | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3238-6 |
195 | Science & Technology | E01 機械固力 | 9781799835257 | Modeling and Optimization of Solar Thermal Systems: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Jagadish | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3523-3 |
196 | Science & Technology | M20 永續發展研究 | 9781799844099 | Examining Biophilia and Societal Indifference to Environmental Protection | Markey, Mary Ann | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4408-2 |
197 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799827702 | Open Source Software for Statistical Analysis of Big Data: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Segall, Richard S. | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2768-9 |
198 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799803034 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications in Civil, Mechanical, and Industrial Engineering | Bekda?, Gebrail | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-0301-0 |
199 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799847311 | Handbook of Research on Natural Language Processing and Smart Service Systems | Pazos-Rangel, Rodolfo Abraham | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4730-4 |
200 | Science & Technology | E71 航太科技 | 9781799819226 | Genetic Algorithms and Remote Sensing Technology for Tracking Flight Debris | Marghany, Maged | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-1920-2 |
201 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799831327 | Legal Regulations, Implications, and Issues Surrounding Digital Data | Jackson, Margaret | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3130-3 |
202 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799838180 | Social, Legal, and Ethical Implications of IoT, Cloud, and Edge Computing Technologies | Cornetta, Gianluca | Information Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3817-3 |
203 | Science & Technology | E18 電力工程 | 9781799838302 | Design and Investment of High Voltage Nano-Dielectrics | Mohamed, Ahmed Thabet | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3829-6 |
204 | Science & Technology | E09 土木、水利、工程 | 9781799838579 | Reconstructing Urban Ambiance in Smart Public Places | Abusaada, Hisham | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3856-2 |
205 | Science & Technology | E50 工業工程與管理 | 9781799839057 | Applications and Challenges of Maintenance and Safety Engineering in Industry 4.0 | Martinetti, Alberto | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3904-0 |
206 | Science & Technology | E18 電力工程 | 9781799840282 | Optimizing and Measuring Smart Grid Operation and Control | Recioui, Abdelmadjid | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4027-5 |
207 | Science & Technology | E50 工業工程與管理 | 9781799840558 | Additive Manufacturing Applications for Metals and Composites | Balasubramanian, K.R. | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4054-1 |
208 | Science & Technology | E10 能源科技 | 9781799842774 | Solar Concentrating Modules with Louvered Heliostats: Emerging Research and Opportunities | Strebkov, Dmitry | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4276-7 |
209 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799842866 | Responsible AI and Ethical Issues for Businesses and Governments | Vassileva, Bistra | Business Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4285-9 |
210 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799843405 | Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Risk Management and Cyber Intelligence | Dall'Acqua, Luisa | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4339-9 |
211 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799843825 | Sensor Network Methodologies for Smart Applications | Krit, Salahddine | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4381-8 |
212 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799847045 | Multimedia and Sensory Input for Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual Reality | Tyagi, Amit Kumar | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4703-8 |
213 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799847076 | Analyzing Data Through Probabilistic Modeling in Statistics | Jako?bczak, Dariusz Jacek | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4706-9 |
214 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799847762 | Principles and Applications of Narrowband Internet of Things (NBIoT) | Routray, Sudhir | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4775-5 |
215 | Science & Technology | E06 材料工程 | 9781799848714 | Advanced Surface Coating Techniques for Modern Industrial Applications | Roy, Supriyo | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4870-7 |
216 | Science & Technology | E71 航太科技 | 9781799848806 | Recent Trends on Electromagnetic Environmental Effects for Aeronautics and Space Applications | Nikolopoulos, Christos D. | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4879-0 |
217 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799848868 | Agile Scrum Implementation and its Long-Term Impact on Organizations | Walsh, Kenneth R. | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4885-1 |
218 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799848950 | Machine Law, Ethics, and Morality in the Age of Artificial Intelligence | Thompson, Steven John | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4894-3 |
219 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799849018 | Confluence of AI, Machine, and Deep Learning in Cyber Forensics | Misra, Sanjay | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4900-1 |
220 | Science & Technology | M20 永續發展研究 | 9781799849162 | Eco-Friendly Energy Processes and Technologies for Achieving Sustainable Development | Danish, Mir Sayed Shah | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4915-5 |
221 | Science & Technology | E11 環境工程 | 9781799849223 | Handbook of Research on Waste Diversion and Minimization Technologies for the Industrial Sector | Rathoure, Ashok K. | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4921-6 |
222 | Science & Technology | E01 機械固力 | 9781799849407 | Handbook of Research on Advancements in Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering | Burstein, Leonid | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4939-1 |
223 | Science & Technology | M20 永續發展研究 | 9781799849490 | Handbook of Research on Creative Cities and Advanced Models for Knowledge-Based Urban Development | Galaby, Aly | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-4948-3 |
224 | Science & Technology | E11 環境工程 | 9781799850281 | Spatial Information Science for Natural Resource Management | Singh, Suraj Kumar | Engineering Science Reference | 2020 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5027-4 |
225 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799858775 | Multidisciplinary Functions of Blockchain Technology in AI and IoT Applications | Chowdhury, Niaz | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5876-8 |
226 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799865247 | Examining Optoelectronics in Machine Vision and Applications in Industry 4.0 | Sergiyenko, Oleg | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-6522-3 |
227 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799875178 | Examining the Impact of Deep Learning and IoT on Multi-Industry Applications | Raut, Roshani | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-7511-6 |
228 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799866619 | Handbook of Research on Automated Feature Engineering and Advanced Applications in Data Science | Panda, Mrutyunjaya | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-6659-6 |
229 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799866923 | Handbook of Research on Deep Learning-Based Image Analysis Under Constrained and Unconstrained Environments | Raj, Alex Noel Joseph | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-6690-9 |
230 | Science & Technology | E50 工業工程與管理 | 9781799872085 | Data-Driven Optimization of Manufacturing Processes | Kalita, Kanak | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-7206-1 |
231 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799875543 | Latin American Women and Research Contributions to the IT Field | Negron, Adriana Pena Perez | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-7552-9 |
232 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799857839 | Integration Challenges for Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Data Mining | Azevedo, Ana | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5781-5 |
233 | Science & Technology | E06 材料工程 | 9781799855651 | Applications of Nanomaterials in Agriculture, Food Science, and Medicine | Bhat, Mohd Amin | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5563-7 |
234 | Science & Technology | E12 電信工程 | 9781799877547 | Research Anthology on Developing and Optimizing 5G Networks and the Impact on Society | Information Resources Management Association | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-7708-0 |
235 | Science & Technology | E14 微電子工程 | 9781799864691 | Innovative Applications of Nanowires for Circuit Design | Raj, Balwinder | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-6467-7 |
236 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799826514 | New Methods and Paradigms for Modeling Dynamic Processes Based on Cellular Automata | Bilan, Stepan Mykolayovych | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-2649-1 |
237 | Science & Technology | E71 航太科技 | 9781799853589 | Research Anthology on Reliability and Safety in Aviation Systems, Spacecraft, and Air Transport | Information Resources Management Association | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5357-2 |
238 | Science & Technology | E02 化學工程 | 9781799857983 | Handbook of Research on Advancements in Supercritical Fluids Applications for Sustainable Energy Systems | Chen, Lin | Engineering Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5796-9 |
239 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799857297 | Handbook of Research on Cyber Crime and Information Privacy | Cruz-Cunha, Maria Manuela | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-5728-0 |
240 | Science & Technology | E08 資訊 | 9781799834892 | Privacy Concerns Surrounding Personal Information Sharing on Health and Fitness Mobile Apps | Sen, Devjani | Information Science Reference | 2021 | http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-3487-8 |