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序號 | 主題 | 次主題 | 電子書13碼ISBN | 題名 | 作者 | 出版者 | 出版年 | URL |
128 | Medicine | B1020DA 護理 | 9781003000518 | Advanced ENT training: A guide to passing the FRCS (ORL-HNS) examination | Manjaly, Joseph | CRC Press | 2020 | https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781003000518 |
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214 | Science & Technology | E18 電力工程 | 9780429457395 | MATLAB-based Finite Element Programming in Electromagnetic Modeling | Ozgun, Ozlem | CRC Press | 2019 | https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9780429457395 |
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229 | Science & Technology | E17 醫學工程 | 9781315152714 | Remote Sensing for Landscape Ecology: Monitoring, Modeling, and Assessment of Ecosystems? | Lopez, Ricardo D. | CRC Press | 2018 | https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781315152714 |
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233 | Science & Technology | B2010C0 生物學之生化及分子生物 | 9781315165738 | Species: The Evolution of the Idea | Wilkins, John S. | CRC Press | 2018 | https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781315165738 |
234 | Science & Technology | M01 統計 | 9780429437878 | Sturm-Liouville Problems: Theory and Numerical Implementation | Guenther, Ronald B. | CRC Press | 2019 | https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9780429437878 |
235 | Science & Technology | M01 統計 | 9781315151694 | The Data Book: Collection and Management of Research Data | Zozus, Meredith | Chapman and Hall/CRC | 2017 | https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781315151694 |
236 | Science & Technology | M05 地球科學 | 9781315152929 | The Geology Companion: Essentials for Understanding the Earth | Prost, Gary | CRC Press | 2018 | https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781315152929 |
237 | Science & Technology | E07 食品工程 | 9781315114859 | Trends in Food Safety and Protection | Rai, V Ravishankar | CRC Press | 2018 | https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781315114859 |
238 | Science & Technology | E11 環境工程 | 9781138586642 | Urban Remote Sensing | Weng, Qihao | CRC Press | 2018 | https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781138586642 |
239 | Science & Technology | M20 永續發展研究 | 9780429448799 | Waste to Sustainable Energy: MFCs – Prospects through Prognosis | Singh, Lakhveer | CRC Press | 2019 | https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9780429448799 |