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ABC-CILO ebooks: 26筆/26冊



序號 主題 次主題 電子書13碼ISBN 題名 作者 出版者 出版年 連結
1 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H12 心理學 9781610695152 Abuse: An Encyclopedia of Causes, Consequences, and Treatments Skaine, Rosemarie Greenwood 2015 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781610695152
2 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H22 區域研究及地理 9781440840050 Tweeting to Freedom: An Encyclopedia of Citizen Protests and Uprisings around the World Willis, Jim ABC-CLIO 2017 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440840050
3 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H14 政治學 9781440850790 Campaigning for President in America, 1788-2016 Hammond, Scott John Greenwood 2016 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440850790
4 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H14 政治學 9781440835353 Immigration: Examining the Facts Eastman, Cari Lee Skogberg ABC-CLIO 2017 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440835353
5 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H06 歷史學 9781440835476 Mesopotamia and the Rise of Civilization: History, Documents, and Key Questions McIntosh, Jane R. ABC-CLIO 2017 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440835476
6 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H06 歷史學 9781440834738 A History of Modern Librarianship: Constructing the Heritage of Western Cultures Richards, Pamela Spence Libraries Unlimited 2015 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440834738
7 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H05 文學二(外國文學、性別研究、文化研究) 9781610693165 LGBT Youth ISSUES Today: A Reference Handbook Newton, David E. ABC-CLIO 2014 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781610693165
8 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H09 人類學 9780313392412 Psychological Health of Women of Color: Intersections, Challenges, and Opportunities Comas-Diaz, Lillian Praeger 2013 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9780313392412
9 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H12 心理學 9781440851933 Terrorism, Political Violence, and Extremism: New Psychology to Understand, Face, and Defuse the Threat Stout, Chris E. Praeger 2017 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440851933
10 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H12 心理學 9781440837159 How Animals Think and Feel: An Introduction to Non-Human Psychology Cheng, Ken Greenwood 2016 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440837159
11 Arts & Humanities & Social Science SSS05 醫學教育 9781610697248 Steroids: History, Science, and ISSUES Standora, Joan E. Greenwood 2017 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781610697248
12 Arts & Humanities & Social Science HA3 圖書資訊學 9781440849657 Public Library Collections in the Balance: Censorship, Inclusivity, and Truth Downey, Jennifer Libraries Unlimited 2017 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440849657
13 Arts & Humanities & Social Science HA3 圖書資訊學 9781610695299 Intrapreneurship Handbook for Librarians: How to Be a Change Agent in Your Library Almquist, Arne J. Libraries Unlimited 2017 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781610695299
14 Arts & Humanities & Social Science HA3 圖書資訊學 9781440833823 Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century Kuhlthau, Carol C. Libraries Unlimited 2015 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440833823
15 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H05 文學二(外國文學、性別研究、文化研究) 9781440803109 Women, Work, and Family: How Companies Thrive with a 21st-Century Multicultural Workforce Paludi, Michele A. Praeger 2014 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440803109
16 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H09 人類學 9781440837791 Memories of the Enslaved: Voices from the Slave Narratives Crew, Spencer R. Praeger 2015 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440837791
17 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H12 心理學 9781440837913 Passive-Aggression: Understanding the Sufferer, Helping the Victim Kantor, Martin Praeger 2017 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440837913
18 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H12 心理學 9781440803161 Immigrant Children and Youth: Psychological Challenges Bursztyn, Alberto M. Praeger 2015 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440803161
19 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H13 法律學 9781440832345 Misreading the Bill of Rights: Top Ten Myths Concerning Your Rights and Liberties Goidel, Kirby Praeger 2015 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440832345
20 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H14 政治學 9781440834110 AARP: America's Largest Interest Group and Its Impact Day, Christine L. Praeger 2017 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440834110
21 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H19 傳播學 9781440833601 Animation and the American Imagination: A Brief History Arnold, Gordon B. Praeger 2017 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440833601
22 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H12 心理學 9781440847141 Work-Life Balance Arenofsky, Janice Greenwood 2017 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440847141
23 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H12 心理學 9781440831898 Why Good Kids Turn into Deadly Terrorists: Deconstructing the Accused Boston Marathon Bombers and Others Like Them LoCicero, Alice Praeger 2014 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440831898
24 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H17 社會學 9781440850127 How the Drug War Ruins American Lives Benavie, Arthur Praeger 2016 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440850127
25 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) 9781440860584 How Leaders Improve: A Playbook for Leaders Who Want to Get Better Now Gates, John Praeger 2017 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440860584
26 Arts & Humanities & Social Science H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) 9781440828386 Virtual Teams: Mastering Communication and Collaboration in the Digital Age Kurtzberg, Terri R. Praeger 2014 http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440828386

