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ABC-CILO ebooks: 2筆/ 5冊 |
序號 | 主題 | 次主題 | 電子書13碼ISBN | 題名 | 作者 | 出版者 | 出版年 | 平台 | 連結 |
1 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H22 區域研究及地理 | 9781610697323 | Explorers of the American West: Mapping the World through Primary Documents | Buckley, Jay H. | ABC-CLIO | 2016 | ABC-CLIO | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781610697323 |
2 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H06 歷史學 | 9781610694308 | Imperialism and Expansionism in American History: A Social, Political, and Cultural Encyclopedia and Document Collection | Magoc, Chris J. | ABC-CLIO | 2016 | ABC-CLIO | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781610694308 |