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序號 主題 次主題 杜威十進分類號 國會分類號 電子ISBN 紙本ISBN 題名 冊數 版次 作者 出版者 出版年 連結
1 Arts & Humanities & Social Science History of Psychology 150.9 BF81 9780203686485 9781848728745 A Brief History of Psychology 1 5 Wertheimer, Michael Psychology Press 2012 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203686485
2 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Music Theory 780.904 ML197 9780203770689 9780415881876 A History of Twentieth-Century Music in a Theoretic-Analytical Context 1 1 Antokoletz, Elliott Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203770689
3 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Socio-Legal Studies 340.115 K372 9780203796764 9780415858960 A Sociological Theory of Law 1 2 Luhmann, Niklas Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203796764
4 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Human Rights Law & Civil Liberties 343.034 K3240 9780203797839 9780415529785 Applying an International Human Rights Framework to State Budget Allocations: Rights and Resources 1 1 O'Connell, Rory Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203797839
5 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Multilingualism 404.2083 P115.2 9780203828670 9780415891042 Bilingualism in Schools and Society: Language, Identity, and Policy 1 1 Shin, Sarah J. Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203828670
6 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Modern History 1750-1945 330.94 HC240 9780203550403 9780415639941 Case Studies on Modern European Economy: Entrepreneurship, Inventions, and Institutions 1 1 Berend, Ivan Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203550403
7 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Entrepreneurship 658.4 HB615 9780203126677 9780415877602 Chance and Intent: Managing the Risks of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1 1 Bodde, David L. Routledge 2012 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203126677
8 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Suicide in Adults 345.41 KD7869 9780203066881 9780415597326 Cognitive Behavioural Prevention of Suicide in Psychosis: A treatment manual 1 1 Tarrier, Nicholas Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203066881
9 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Sociolinguistics 302.2 P95.54 9780203129616 9780415503389 Communicating Beyond Language: Everyday Encounters with Diversity 1 1 Rymes, Betsy Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203129616
10 Arts & Humanities & Social Science International Media 302.2 P96.I5 9780203102077 9780415627344 Communication and Power in the Global Era: Orders and Borders 1 1 Kraidy, Marwan M. Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203102077
11 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Mass Communication 307.760951 HT334.C6 9781315883441 9780415713207 Communication, Public Opinion, and Globalization in Urban China 1 1 Lee, Francis L.F. Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9781315883441
12 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Criminal Law & Practice 345.41 KD7869 9781315871677 9780415833257 Criminal Law 1 1 Martin, Jacqueline Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9781315871677
13 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Criminal Law & Practice 345.4205 KD8329.6 9781315848297 9780415733557 Criminal Procedure and Sentencing 1 8 Hungerford-Welch, Peter Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9781315848297
14 Arts & Humanities & Social Science International Business 658.3008 HD30.19 9781315887500 9780415501668 Cross-Cultural Management: A Transactional Approach 1 1 Patel, Taran Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9781315887500
15 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Building Types 725.57 RA967 9781315819358 9780415639224 Design for Pediatric and Neonatal Critical Care 1 1 McCuskey Shepley, Mardelle Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9781315819358
16 Arts & Humanities & Social Science English & Literacy/Language Arts 371.8299607 LC2778.L34 9780203070864 9780415810593 Designing Critical Literacy Education through Critical Discourse Analysis: Pedagogical and Research Tools for Teacher-Researchers 1 1 Rogers, Rebecca Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203070864
17 Arts & Humanities & Social Science The Body & Identity 616.0472 RB127 9780203087381 9780415635752 Dimensions of Pain: Humanities and Social Science Perspectives 1 1 Kall, Lisa Folkmarson Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203087381
18 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Open & Distance Education and eLearning 371.3 LB1028.5 9780203075258 9780415636155 Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide 1 1 Stein, Jared Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203075258
19 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Film Studies 791.4301 PN1995 9780203143667 9780415590976 Film Theory: Rational Reconstructions 1 1 Buckland, Warren Routledge 2012 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203143667
20 Arts & Humanities & Social Science International Trade & Economic Law 332.673 K3830 9780203076880 9780415535472 Foreign Direct Investment and Human Development: The Law and Economics of International Investment Agreements 1 1 Schutter, Olivier de Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203076880
21 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Landscape Conservation, Maintenance and Management 712 GF90 9780203436295 9780415680042 Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment 1 3 Landscape Institute, Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203436295
22 Arts & Humanities & Social Science English & Literacy/Language Arts 302.2244 BF311 9780203801932 9780415898478 Imagery and Text: A Dual Coding Theory of Reading and Writing 1 2 Sadoski, Mark Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203801932
23 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Schizophrenia & Other Psychotic Disorders in Adults 616.898 RC514 9780203527160 9780415579520 Models of Madness: Psychological, Social and Biological Approaches to Psychosis 1 2 Read, John Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203527160
24 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Movie Music 781.546 ML2080 9780203076330 9780415641074 Music in Science Fiction Television: Tuned to the Future 1 1 Donnelly, K.J. Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203076330
25 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Movie Music 781.542 ML2075 9780203768167 9780415824538 Music, Performance, and the Realities of Film: Shared Concert Experiences in Screen Fiction 1 1 Winters, Benjamin Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203768167
26 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Chinese Philosophy 181.112 BL1853 9781315880457 9780415630788 New Confucianism in Twenty-First Century China: The Construction of a Discourse 1 1 Sole-Farras, Jesus Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9781315880457
27 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Middle East Studies 320.956 JQ1758.A58 9781315856605 9780415517041 Non-State Actors in the Middle East: Factors for Peace and Democracy 1 1 Golan, Galia Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9781315856605
28 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Higher Education 378.101 LB2341 9780203817629 9780415892698 Organization and Administration in Higher Education 1 1 Schloss, Patrick J.?? Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203817629
29 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Art & Visual Culture 700.108 NX180.M3 9780203070291 9780415811408 Performing Memory in Art and Popular Culture 1 1 Plate, Liedeke; Smelik, Anneke? Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203070291
30 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Trauma Studies 616.8521 RC552.P67 9780203629048 9780415898690 Posttraumatic Growth in Clinical Practice 1 1 Calhoun, Lawrence G. Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203629048
31 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Water Engineering 639.8 SH136.S88 9780203127438 9781849710763 Principles of Sustainable Aquaculture: Promoting Social, Economic and Environmental Resilience 1 1 Bunting, Stuart W. Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203127438
32 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Schizophrenia & Other Psychotic Disorders in Adults 616.89 RC512 9780203759769 9780415570404 Psychosis and Emotion: The role of emotions in understanding psychosis, therapy and recovery 1 1 Gumley, Andrew Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203759769
33 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Sports Marketing 796.06 GV716 9780203114667 9780415532846 Sport Brands 1 1 Bouchet, Patrick Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203114667
34 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Military & Strategic Studies 327.117 HV6431 9780203387825 9780415629089 State Terrorism and Human Rights: International Responses since the End of the Cold War 1 1 Duncan, Gillian; Lynch, Orla? Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203387825
35 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Schizophrenia & Other Psychotic Disorders in Adults 616.891465 RC512 9780203777442 9780415516617 Surviving, Existing, or Living: Phase-specific therapy for severe psychosis 1 1 Fuller, Pamela R. Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203777442
36 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Fashion Design 746.92 TT507 9781315857930 9780415644556 Sustainable Fashion and Textiles: Design Journeys 1 2 Fletcher, Kate Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9781315857930
37 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Teachers & Teacher Education 370.7110941 LB1725.G6 9780203407660 9780415821681 Teacher Education through Active Engagement: Raising the professional voice 1 1 Beckett, Lori Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203407660
38 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Nationalism 306.2 GN357 9781315886916 9780415870641 The Cultural Politics of Nationalism and Nation-Building: Ritual and performance in the forging of nations 1 1 Tsang, Rachel? Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9781315886916
39 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Video Games 794.8 GV1469.34.V56 9780203566275 9780415821308 The Culture of Digital Fighting Games: Performance and Practice 1 1 Harper, Todd Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203566275
40 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Mathematics 510.71 QA11.2 9780203797044 9780415858434 The Math Teachers Know: Profound Understanding of Emergent Mathematics 1 1 Davis, Brent Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203797044
41 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Gender Studies 303.372 HM671 9780203788516 9780415819459 The Politics of Recognition and Social Justice: Transforming Subjectivities and New Forms of Resistance 1 1 Pallotta-Chiarolli, Maria Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203788516
42 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Psychotherapy 616.8914 RC489.S43 9780203076156 9780415896023 The Use of Self in Therapy 1 3 Baldwin, Michele Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203076156
43 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Trauma Counseling - Adult 940.5318092 RC451.4.H62 9780203846568 9780415882866 Transcending Trauma: Survival, Resilience, and Clinical Implications in Survivor Families 1 1 Hollander-Goldfein, Bea Routledge 2012 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203846568
44 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Creative Arts & Expressive Therapies 808.042071 PE1404 9780203818138 9780415578431 Transformative Learning through Creative Life Writing: Exploring the self in the learning process 1 1 Hunt, Celia Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203818138
45 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Theatre & Performance Studies 418.02 PN241 9780203405543 9780415829687 Translation and Adaptation in Theatre and Film 1 1 Krebs, Katja Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203405543
46 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Counseling - Ethics 174.91583 BF636.6 9780203357583 9780415898782 Values and Ethics in Counseling: Real-Life Ethical Decision Making 1 1 Levitt, Dana Heller Routledge 2013 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203357583
47 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Language and Communication 401.41 P302 9780203104286 9780415624718 Critical Multimodal Studies of Popular Discourse 1 1 Djonov, Emilia Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203104286
48 Arts & Humanities & Social Science Criminal Law & Practice 345.42 KD7863.99 9780203722473 9780415633826 Criminal Law Statutes 2012-2013 1 1 Herring, Jonathan Routledge 2014 http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203722473
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