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序號 | 主題 | 次主題 | 題名 | 冊數 | 版次 | 作者 | 出版者 | 連結 |
1 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H22 區域研究及地理 | Ring of Fire: An Encyclopedia of the Pacific Rim's Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Volcanoes | 1 | 1st | Hinga, Bethany D. Rinard | ABC-CLIO | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781610692977 |
2 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H14 政治學 | Boko Haram and the War on Terror | 1 | 1st | Varin, Caroline | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440844119 |
3 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H09 人類學 | African American Folklore: An Encyclopedia for Students | 1 | 1st | Prahlad, Anand | Greenwood | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781610699303 |
4 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H09 人類學 | The Healing Power of Hip Hop | 1 | 1st | Travis, Raphael Jr. | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440831317 |
5 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | Motivation: The Manager's Key to Closing the Commitment Gap | 1 | 1st | Gottlieb, Marvin R. | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440859342 |
6 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H19 傳播學 | Game Worlds Get Real: How Who We Are Online Became Who We Are Offline | 1 | 1st | Valkyrie, Zek | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440851292 |
7 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H23 藝術學 | The Words and Music of Taylor Swift | 1 | 1st | Perone, James E. | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440852954 |
8 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | HA3 圖書資訊學 | Optimizing Discovery Systems to Improve User Experience: The Innovative Librarian's Guide | 1 | 1st | Imler, Bonnie | Libraries Unlimited | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440843839 |
9 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H06 歷史學 | The Vikings: Facts and Fictions | 1 | 1st | Wolf, Kirsten | ABC-CLIO | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440862991 |
10 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H09 人類學 | Black Lives Matter: From a Moment to a Movement | 1 | 1st | Hillstrom, Laurie Collier | Greenwood | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440865718 |
11 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H06 歷史學 | The History of Poland | 1 | 2nd | Biskupski, M. B. B. | Greenwood | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440862267 |
12 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H12 心理學 | Race and Ethnic Relations on Campus: Understanding, Empowerment, and Solutions for College Students | 1 | 1st | Bailey, Eric J. | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440854583 |
13 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H06 歷史學 | American Civil War: Facts and Fictions | 1 | 1st | Hedtke, James R. | ABC-CLIO | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440860744 |
14 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | Future-Ready Leadership: Strategies for the Fourth Industrial Revolution | 1 | 1st | Groscurth, Chris R. | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440865237 |
15 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H12 心理學 | Violence and Trauma in the Lives of Children | 1 | 1st | Osofsky, Joy D. | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440852596 |
16 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H06 歷史學 | Japanese War Crimes during World War II: Atrocity and the Psychology of Collective Violence | 1 | 1st | Jacob, Frank | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440844508 |
17 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | HA2 體育學 | Kids, Sports, and Concussion: A Guide for Coaches and Parents | 1 | 2nd | Meehan, William Paul III | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440858031 |
18 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H05 文學二(外國文學、性別研究、文化研究) | The #MeToo Movement | 1 | 1st | Hillstrom, Laurie Collier | ABC-CLIO | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440867507 |
19 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H05 文學二(外國文學、性別研究、文化研究) | Gender Inequality: A Reference Handbook | 1 | 1st | Newton, David E. | ABC-CLIO | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440872877 |
20 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H06 歷史學 | The History of Taiwan | 1 | 1st | Li, Xiaobing | Greenwood | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440861260 |
21 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H19 傳播學 | Media, Journalism, and Fake News: A Reference Handbook | 1 | 1st | Damico, Amy M. | ABC-CLIO | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440864070 |
22 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | SSS05 醫學教育 | Prescription Drug Abuse | 1 | 1st | Bryant, Robert L. | Greenwood | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440859205 |
23 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H06 歷史學 | The History of Spain | 1 | 2nd | Pierson, Peter | Greenwood | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440868412 |
24 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H12 心理學 | Educational Psychology: History, Practice, Research, and the Future | 1 | 1st | Martin, Jennifer L. | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440864506 |
25 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | Demystifying Economic Markets and Prices: Understanding Patterns and Practices in Everyday Life | 1 | 1st | Woirol, Gregory R. | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440872532 |
26 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H19 傳播學 | The Art and Craft of Motion Pictures: 25 Movies to Make You Film Literate | 1 | 1st | LoBrutto, Vincent | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440839191 |
27 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H22 區域研究及地理 | Cities around the World: Struggles and Solutions to Urban Life | 1 | 1st | Luo, Jing | ABC-CLIO | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440853869 |
28 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | SSS04 應用科學教育 | How Technology Is Changing Human Behavior: Issues and Benefits | 1 | 1st | Prado, C. G. | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440869525 |
29 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H09 人類學 | 25 Events That Shaped Asian American History: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic | 1 | 1st | Dong, Lan | Greenwood | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440860898 |
30 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H12 心理學 | Internet Addiction | 1 | 1st | Vercillo, Kathryn | Greenwood | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440866074 |
31 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H17 社會學 | Racism in America: A Reference Handbook | 1 | 1st | Foy, Steven L. | ABC-CLIO | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440856419 |
32 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H15 經濟學 | Rogue Money and the Underground Economy: An Encyclopedia of Alternative and Cryptocurrencies | 1 | 1st | Edmunds, John C. | Greenwood | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440864568 |
33 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | HA3 圖書資訊學 | Supporting Diversity and Inclusion with Story: Authentic Folktales and Discussion Guides | 1 | 1st | Ford, Lyn | Libraries Unlimited | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440867088 |
34 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H42 管理二(行銷、生管、資管、交管、作業研究/數量方法) | Authenticity: Building a Brand in an Insincere Age | 1 | 1st | Toft, Mark | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440873218 |
35 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H12 心理學 | Stereotypes: The Incidence and Impacts of Bias | 1 | 1st | Nadler, Joel T. | Praeger | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440868672 |
36 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H41 管理一(人資、組織行為、策略管理、國企、醫管、科管) | Uber | 1 | 1st | Perera, B. Yasanthi | Greenwood | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440864254 |
37 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H40 財金及會計 | Taxation | 1 | 1st | Dieterle, David A. | Greenwood | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440869945 |
38 | Arts & Humanities & Social Science | H40 財金及會計 | Stocks and Bonds | 1 | 1st | Knoop, Todd A. | Greenwood | http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781440867248 |